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"What in the world would we do without our libraries?"

Katharine Hepburn

Girls in the Library

Support the Middleburgh Library



The Middleburgh Library champions the joy of reading and lifelong learning through educational programs, community events and collections that inspire and nurture the imagination.  Through your monetary donations, you support the library's mission and ensure that we will continue to enrich the community we serve for generations to come. 

Make a Donation

You can make a tax deductable donation to the Middleburgh Library at any time and in any amount.  Mail or drop off a check or use your credit card and make an online contribution. 


A monetary gift to the library can serve as a tribute to mark someone's birthday or anniversary, or to honor a special achievement in someone's life.  Memorial donations are accepted to commemorate the life of someone important to you.  If you would like to make a donation in memory or honor of someone else, please let us know and we will send an acknowledgement to the appropriate individual on your behalf.

Continued Support

A great way to offer continued support is to set up recurring donations though our donation platform Network for Good.  Schedule monthly, quarterly or annual donations and know that your contribution facilitates the sustainability of our library.

Employer Matching

Double the power of your donation!  Many employers will match employee gifts to non-profit organizations.  Ask your Human Services Department whether your company participates and increase the power of your giving.

Planned Giving

Retirement Assets:

You can donate a gift of your retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan.


IRA Rollover
If you are over 70½, you can avoid or minimize income tax on your minimum required IRA distributions by making  a Charitable Rollover gift to the library of up to $100,000.* Contact your IRA custodian to set this up.

Give Retirement Assets as your Legacy
One of the best ways to leave a legacy to the Library is to appoint it as a beneficiary of your retirement assets. When retirement plans such as pension funds, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans and IRAs are left to individuals other than a spouse, they are often subject to income and estate taxes.  These two combined taxes may substantially erode the value of the retirement benefits.  However, retirement benefits left to the Library are not subject to income and estate taxes and may reduce the size of your taxable estate.* To appoint the Library as a beneficiary, simply contact the administrator or custodian of your plan and inform them that you wish to leave part or all of your retirement benefits to the Library.


Stocks & Bonds

You can donate your securities, including your stocks or bonds. By making a gift of your appreciated securities, you may be able to avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets.*
Some of the potential benefits include:
  • Avoid paying capital gains tax.*
  • Receive a charitable income tax deduction.*
  • Enjoy possible increased income.



You can help to sustain the Library’s free services by including a gift to the Library in your will or living trust. If you already have a will or a trust, you may add the Library as a beneficiary in a codicil or a trust amendment.

Benefits of your bequest may include:
  • Receiving an estate tax charitable deduction.*
  • Leaving a lasting legacy.

A bequest may be made in several ways:
  • Gift of a percentage of your estate
  • Gift of a specific dollar amount or asset
  • Gift from the balance or residue of your estate


Life Insurance

If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors, consider making a gift and help further our mission.

Give Life Insurance Benefits Today
You can give your life insurance policy to the Library today and receive a charitable income tax deduction.* You can then make deductible contributions to the library each year which we will use to pay the premiums. We benefit from the proceeds of your policy.

Give Life Insurance Benefits as your Legacy
You can designate the library as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. You will continue to own and can make use of the policy during your lifetime. The death benefit received by the Library may reduce the size of your taxable estate.*


Real Estate

You can make monthly donations of as little as $5 per month. These recurring donations, automatically deducted each month from your debit or credit card, will make an easy and sustainable impact. 

Benefits to you may include:
  • No hassle automatic withdrawals from the account of your choice.
  • The ability to change your gift amount or the method of payment at any time.
  • A record of each monthly gift that will appear on your credit or debit card statement.
  • Automatic renewal, with the ability to cancel at any time


To discuss any of the above options, please contact the Library director at









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