Hours of Operation:
Monday: 1:00 - 8:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 8:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 5:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 8:00
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9:00 - 2:00
Sunday: Closed
Borrowing FAQs:
Do I need to have a Middleburgh Library Card to borrow books?
No. As long as you have a card from a library in the Mohawk Valley or Sourthern Adirondack Library Systems you can borrow books from our library.
Is there a charge to get a Library Card?
No, it does not cost you to get a library card. Lost or stolen cards are subject to a $1.00 replacement fee.
How do I get a card?
All the information you need to get a library card can be found here.
How long can I keep out what I borrowed?
Books - 28 days with 1 renewal
Audiobooks - 28 days with 1 renewal
New Books - 1 week with no renewals
DVD's and Video - 1 week with 1 renewal/Limit 6 per family
If I return my items late, how much will my fine be?
We do not charge fines for late items!
What if I lose a book or damage it?
Unfortunately, lost or damaged books will need to be replaced and paid for by you. Please speak to the staff member at the Help Desk and they will assist you in making arrangements.
How do I renew a book?
To renew a book go to your account and type in your account number that is found on the back of your library card. Enter your password which will be the last four digits of the phone number you used when registering for your card. When you get into the system you will see an option for renewing the items you have out.
You may also call the library at (518) 827-5142 to have your items renewed.
How do I request a book from another library?
Books may be requested from other libraries through our Interlibrary loan system. If you are in the library, the staff member at the Help Desk can assist you in making a request. If you would like to request a book from home, find the book you would like to request in the catalog. Click the box, Place a Request, and enter in your library card number and password. You will be notified by phone when your item is at the library to pick up.